SHE was the one who carried the torch for FHB from the beginning when no one really talked about her.

This is my mother, Penny Deupree, modeling her Grandfather’s clothes that inspired Little Lord Fauntleroy
SHE was the one who opened the box to find Frances’ life inside and took pictures proudly on the side of a busy highways with our family at markers dedicated to HER work.

Here is my mother holding me with my two brothers at a marker near Frances’s first home in New Market Tennessee.
SHE was the one who did the countless hours of research at the library and with the help of many biographers, put the pieces of HER amazing life together.

My mother is in the center front flanked by two authors who wrote FHB biographies, Anne Thwaite and Gretchen Gretzina, pictured with other speakers at The Secret Garden’s 100th Year in Print Celebration at Dartmouth University.
SHE was the one who gave speeches about Frances for the last 35 years to elementary schools, garden clubs, universities and anyone else who asked her to speak. (many times for free)
SHE was the one they called to come celebrate the opening night of The Secret Garden on Broadway in NYC.

Me, Mom, and Dad waiting for the car to take us to the opening night in NYC. Mom is hiding the giant 1980’s bow on my left hip.
SHE was the one they called to help rededicate the fountain in New York’s Central Park in memory of FHB.

Me, my cousin Grace, Mom, and my aunt Robin at the fountain that still stands today in Central Park.
SHE was the messenger for Frances in our family.

Everyone here is related to Frances…Mom is on the right wearing a lace collar of Frances for the Manhassett Library dedication. (that’s me on the ground)
SHE was the one who told everyone she knew about this amazing woman we call FHB.
SHE even told a cardboard cutout of the Queen who was not impressed.
SHE was the one who told me, inspired me, and wired me.
SHE kept HER all together.
SHE brought so many together in the name of Frances.

More Frances relatives gathered this time for the Sesquicentennial of Frances’s arrival to the US from England when she was 16.
SHE shared HER. SHE cared for HER.
And now…SHE has passed this brightly lit torch on to ME.
SHE is Penelope Ann Deupree, the great granddaughter of FHB, and the loving mother of ME.
SHE is my cheerleader, my mentor, and my very best friend.
Without SHE, FHB and Me would not Be…
Thank you Mom,
You were the trailblazer that kept the fires lit for FHB so I could come light my sparklers from them.
I promise to keep HER safe so that she can shine her light bright for generations to come.
Isn’t SHE lovely,
FHB and especially Me
LET’s Chat About It:
It’s MY MOTHER’s Birthday Week! Honor her and the work she did by leaving a birthday message for her below!