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"If you love stories about the invincibility of the human spirit and the power to make your own happy endings like we do, you will LOVE this book!"

BOOK REVIEW: Happiness For Beginners

An Ode, Three Cheers, and a Huge Hurrah to Her Biographers!

By Valarie Budayr A Year in the Secret Garden " Mom's Choice Award Winner" Paperback – 2014

Valarie Budayr’s A Year in the Secret Garden ” Mom’s Choice Award Winner”

The Secret Garden-Leatherbound

Little Lord Fauntleroy-Hardcover

A Little Princess-Hardback

Masterwork Studies Series: The Secret Garden by Phyllis Bixler

Frances Hodgson Burnett -Hardcover –by Phyllis Bixler

Waiting for the Party: The Life of Frances Hodgson Burnett by Ann Thwaite

Frances Hodgson Burnett: Beyond the Secret Garden by Angelica Shirley Carpenter and Jean Shirley

In the Garden: Essays in Honor of Frances Hodgson Burnett by Angelica Shirley Carpenter

Frances Hodgson Burnett: Author of the Secret Garden by Carol Greene

The Annotated Secret Garden Hardcover by Frances Hodgson Burnett and Gretchen Holbrook Gerzina